Penile Implant Surgery Package in Houston, Texas
There are all kinds of all kinds of urologists. There are those who do not specialize and treat everything from kidney stones to congenitally missing testes. There are also those who specialize in such areas as cancer, neurological problems of urination, and so on. Those specialists often have special surgical skills that matter a great deal if you are the patient who needs surgery.
Surgeo looks for and qualifies surgical specialists who other surgeons endorse. These endorsements are not about book knowledge so much as actual technical skill: less how well do they know epidemiology and more how well do they hold a scalpel. Because if you are the patient who needs surgery, how well they hold a scalpel really matters.
One of Surgeo's super specialists is Robert Cornell of Houston, Texas. Dr. Cornell graduated from Columbia's College of Physicians & Surgeons, an ivy league school with a very rich tradition of medical education. He completed his residency training at the Baylor College of Medicine, which happens to be where the inflatable penile prosthesis was invented. And in the last twelve years, he has focused his private practice in Houston specifically on penile implant surgery.
To hear Dr. Cornell talk about penile implant surgery, click here and here.
Click below to see a summary of his interests and achievements.