Prostatectomy (laparoscopic robotic)
Every Package Includes :
- Your Surgeon
- Anesthesia
- Use of facility
- Pathology
- Preoperative Consultation
- Postoperative Visit
- Surgeo Services Increasing convenience by bringing you unlimited use of our online shopping tools, access to our network of highly qualified specialists, convenient online consultation request form, call center support, assistance with medical records, and help getting a loan.
- Surgeo Security Increasing your safety and peace of mind by bringing you highly qualified physicians and surgeons, inclusion of ancillary procedures, and, when available, procedure specific third-party products that protect you from complications related financial surprises.
Package Details
$28,800 US

Shahram Gholami, MD
Practicing Since:
Institut Mutualiste Montsouris (2003 )
Medical School(s):
Boston University (1996)
Residency :
Univ California, San Francisco (2002 )
A little about me ...
My surgical practice is focused on minimally invasive, laparoscopic and robotic cancer surgery. I have performed thousands of robotic prostatectomy procedures for prostate cancer since 2003. That year, I completed a one-year advanced, post-graduate fellowship at the French hospital where the techniques for minimally invasive prostate cancer surgery had been invented. I believe that each patient is unique and try every day to help bring my training and surgical abilities to his service. I individualize my advice to each patient and help him choose path with the best possible outcome, fastest surgical recovery, and least side effects.
Good Samaritan Hospital
San Jose,
CA 95124